Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Teacher Interview 4- Gary Donahue

1. Can you tell us what was the best day of your life?

“Whoa!!! I think it was when I was standing in the Venezuela hospital when Leon was almost born I felt a 1000 things and I was waiting for this light, when there is a girl, there is a pink-ish light and when there is a boy, there is a blue light. When the blue light flashed I only felt 1 thing.”

2. What was your favorite subject in school?

“I have to say I didn’t have any favorite subject but I had many favorite teachers.”

3. Who was your favorite teacher and why?

“My favorite teachers was Mr. Zanker ( PE teacher ). Everyone loved him as a teacher. I also loved Mr. Darrel Burr. People didn’t like him though. He was influential.”

4. Is there anything you want to do before you die?

“Whoah!! Man! Where can I start?! We’ll I want to ride my bike across Europe. I want to ride my bike around the world.”

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